
Coaching courses coming up in the Waikato Bay of Plenty region – Run Jump Throw and CAD Level 1.
Here are the links to the Athletics WBOP 2024/25 Coaching Course registration forms with dates and type of courses offered.
Read here for an overview of the coaching courses offered
Run Jump Throw
Run Jump Throw is targeted at kids aged 6 to 11 and teaches the fundamental movement skills of running, jumping and throwing. The programme is based on the philosophy that the development of skills, in a fun, participant-centred environment is the key to participation. The emphasis is on the development of fundamental movement patterns specific to athletics. We understand that every setting is different. This programme is flexible and can easily fit into every delivery setting throughout New Zealand. Run Jump Throw resources have been developed for coaches, parents and teachers to help assist delivery of a child-centred approach that meets the needs of all Kiwi kids. A Foundation Programme coaches workshop takes approximately 2 hours and includes education on the three philosophies: the environment we create, maximum participation and understanding the participants, as well as the practical skills of the programmes.
Coaching Athletic Development Level 1
Coaching Athletic Development (CAD) Level 1 is Athletics New Zealand’s new community-level coach education programme. CAD Level 1 teaches coaches the technical fundamentals of 11 athletics events and will help coaches to confidently coach athletics skills to Under 18 athletes. The course bridges the gap between the Run Jump Throw Foundation Programme (target age 7 to 11) and competition based athletics. All CAD Level 1 event modules are delivered as practical workshops that take up to 2 hours. This includes time for participant assessment and observation by the Coach Educator. At the end of the course, coaches will be awarded a “CAD Level 1” certificate.