
Club information for Waikato Bay of Plenty Track & Field Championships
With the NZ government’s red-light restrictions currently in place we are doing all we can to adhere to government protocols to bring you these Championships.
Further information for Clubs
- Entrance to to the Domain is on Cameron Road only – please scan, mask and have your vaccine pass ready. Athletes, coaches and spectators will be given an wrist band after scanning process completed. Please keep it on while in the stadium if possible.
- Athlete check in area – Athletes/Club Manager/s please make sure you check in when you arrive at the domain. The check in area is inside the main entrance. Scratching sheets will be available here.
- Seating will be in the main stand and clearly marked for each club area. Please stay in your club area and use your toilet facilities that are designated for your pod.
- Result Notice Boards will be at the front of each pod in grandstand. Reminder to social distance in this area.
- Medals will be presented as soon as possible after result confirmation. Athletes please listen for announcements to come to the medal presentation area in the infield.
Social distancing
Masks when not in action and about the stadium
Athletes thank the officials at your event and give it your best!