As An Official

Athletics New Zealand Technical Officials Education and Qualification

Become an official – or improve or extend your qualifications if you are already a qualified official.  You will serve your club better on club nights as well as the wider athletics community at ribbon days and interclub events.  You can even be involved at national (eg. Colgate Games and Porritt Classic) and international level if you want.

Athletics New Zealand have an officials’ education and qualification scheme (ANZOES).  The goal is to provide people with initial training regarding the rules and procedures for athletics officiating, and then to provide the opportunity to gain experience and advance their qualifications.

Levels C & B

Level C is the initial level for recognition by Athletics New Zealand.  It is suitable for people who help at club nights, ribbon days and inter-club competitions.  Level B is for people who have done the initial level and gained further practical experience (15 days above club-night activity) and can therefore accept more responsibility.

Level A

Level A courses are for people with comprehensive experience and likely to be asked to officiate in key positions at major meetings such as league and championships.  In the 2 years after qualifying at Level B a further 15 days officiating experience is needed including duty at an Athletics New Zealand Championships.

Officiating Activities

ANZOES is divided up into specific areas so people may qualify in Jumps, Throws, Track, Walks and Non-Stadia.  There is also provision for measuring road courses and for officiating for athletes with a disability.

If you would like to arrange training for your club officials, contact Ruth Tuiraviravi or Barrie Jennings

AWBoP Officials Coordinator 

Ruth Tuiraviravi

AWBoP Development and Events Coordinator

Barrie Jennings 

Phone: 027 2634578
