
26 June 2024 • Announcement

New Incorporated Society Overview

12 December 2023 • Announcement

Lloyd Christie (JP (Rtd))

11 September 2023 • Announcement

Athletics New Zealand Awards

5 September 2023 • Announcement

Waikato-Bay of Plenty team for NZ Road Championships

28 August 2023 • Announcement

2023 Life Membership Awards and Service Awards

1 August 2023 • Announcement

Eva Guy

5 July 2023 • Announcement

Mhyre Oman

8 May 2023 • Announcement

IPs U16/18 2023 Update

2 May 2023 • Announcement

2022 – 2023 Year of Athletics Slideshow

24 March 2023 • Announcement

Children’s Mid Winter Forum and AGM

3 February 2023 • Announcement

Like a Girl – Run Jump Throw

31 January 2023 • Announcement

Board Member vacancy

16 November 2022 • Announcement


23 September 2022 • Announcement

Marcia Petley, MNZM

12 September 2022 • Announcement

2022-2023 Track & Field Summer Handbook

8 September 2022 • Announcement

2022-2023 Children’s Summer Handbook

5 September 2022 • Announcement

Athletics NZ Awards

5 September 2022 • Announcement

2022 NZ Road Champs – Results of the WBOP Team

2 September 2022 • Announcement

Athletics WBOP Officials Training Courses 2022

1 September 2022 • Announcement

Track Officials Training Day – 18th September

4 May 2022 • Announcement

Board announcement

28 February 2022 • Announcement

IPs U16/U18 2022 – week 6

21 February 2022 • Announcement

IPs U16/U18 2022 – week 5

11 February 2022 • Announcement

IPs U16/U18 2022 – week 4

1 February 2022 • Announcement

IPs U16/U18 2022 – week 3

25 January 2022 • Announcement

IPs U16/U18 2022 – week 2

18 January 2022 • Announcement

IPs U16/U18 2022 started last weekend

11 January 2022 • Announcement

WBOP Children’s Champs

9 November 2021 • Announcement

Officials training days cancelled

23 September 2021 • Uncategorized

Board Member Vacancy

27 August 2021 • Announcement

Officials Training Days

5 August 2021 • Announcement

Officials Training Days – Whakatane

20 May 2021 • Announcement

Retirement of Ray Young

14 May 2021 • Announcement

Secondary Schools Cross Country Information

13 April 2021 • Announcement

Participant voice survey

6 April 2021 • Announcement

WBOP team for North Island Secondary Schools

25 March 2021 • Announcement

North Island Secondary Schools entry

9 November 2020 • Uncategorized

Athletics NZ AGM Awards

2 November 2020 • Announcement

Waikato- Bay of Plenty Team for NZ Road Race

18 August 2020 • General

Officials Course

6 March 2020 • Announcement

2020 Road and Cross Country Handbook

17 February 2020 • Announcement

Porritt Classic

28 February 2022 • Announcement

IPs U16/U18 2022 - week 6

19/02/2022 Open Meet Tauranga

It was an impressive showing from a smaller group of 14 athletes on the Saturday.  Finally, only light wind and whilst hot, the temperature was more moderate!  Some exceptionally good performances, resulting in 9 PBs.

For the sprinters, leading the way was Madison Rattray with a double PB in the 200m and 400m, 27.4s and 62.18s respectively. Teeka Randell with a solid PB in the 200m (25.38s) and very near her 100m PB.

Holly Fausett and Saskia Rhind both set new 80m Hurdles PB’s of 12.81s and 13.13s respectively. Likewise, Amelie Wood also setting an 80m Hurdles PB of 13.08s, improving again on her time set in the Auckland champs the previous weekend.  Mia Poutawera set a new blistering 200m PB of 26.68s.

The middle-distance athletes were not left out, Fletcher van Heuven ran a good 800m PB (2:05.22) adding to his PB list, and Charo Heijnen also ran a new 800m PB of 2:25.42.

It was impressive for the hurdlers to compete against World Junior’s silver medallist Joshua Hawkins from Auckland and the sprinters to compete against Paralympian’s Mitch Joynt and Anna Steven. They gave everyone a little hurry up in their events.